Monday, August 8, 2016

What will it take to go after your dreams?

Your dreams have been waiting for you to first find them and then chase them with passionate desire. We have so many walls built from out past conditioning. Various thoughts telling us to be conservative and move slowly. I agree our steps should be mindful and patient. Yet how often do we put our dreams to the side and settle for something less... Less risky, less different, less challenging, less fufilling. 

Of course it's scary! Every new frontier is scary! Imagine what the first human to sail out into the unknown ends of the ocean felt like! For all they knew the world was flat and they would inevitably fall off. Yet someone, some group was brave enough to follow their destiny! They had a pull within them guiding to their life's purpose. 

So what exactly stops us from passionately venturing towards our dreams?

Fear of failure.

Being uncomfortable with the unknown.

The idea that a steady paycheck is worth the sacrifice of purpose.

Having to carve our own path requires more energy then following a worn path.

A strong possessiveness to material success.

Fear of what others will think.

Feeling a loss of identity if we let go of what we have been doing in the past.

Social status.

Feeling the need to sacrifice the present moment for a better retirement. 

Perhaps not even knowing what we really want.

The list is never ending :) 

In the end everyone's reasons may be slightly different. What's important is that you inventory yourself . If you find that you are doing something outside of your dream then congratulations! Becoming aware is the biggest step! Now all you have to do is switch around your priorities and start making small steps towards a positive change. 
Possible tools
Keep a journal of ideas.
Talk with friends and family.
Find a life coach.
Spend 5 minutes a day thinking about it.
Start imaging the lifestyle you want.
Make a dream board.
Follow people on social media that are living similar dreams.
Be open to your dreams changing.
Be grateful for everything that has already   happened in your life, preparing you for what is next :)

"Follow your bliss" - Joesph Campbell

Much Love,
Know Mind

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