Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The power of Acceptance...

I woke up early this morning to prepare for teaching my first yoga class in a couple months... Made coffee, ate some healthy cereal, and slowly starting waking up :) 

I wanted to leave an hour before class started because for whatever reason, In my past I always run into an obstacle causing me to be late, or right on the time ... Granite part of it is because I no longer give Time such an important role in my life , but sometimes that makes things trickier... Although everything always works out for the best in the end... As long as my intentions are good... 

Any how I took my dog out right before I was planning on leaving. I open the door and this picture was in front of me:) 

I've lived here for a year and a half and I have never been blocked into my driveway until this morning :) they were repaving the road! 
It took me a second to realize what was even happening :) then I took a deep breath in and said " well this is one of those situations where I am completely out of control." There was nothing I could do to fix it so I accepted it and called the studio owner to inform her that I might not be able to get out of my driveway :)
Once I got off the phone, I went back outside and too my amazement they had just finished enough of it for me to go around... Ironically my neighbor also left at the exact same time so I just followed him. 
Long story short... I made it to my class early... And I was able to teach it without any negative or stressful energy and now I am very grateful for my practice of surrender... Moments when you are completely out of control and the only thing left to do is say "well then". 

- Much Love
            Know Mind

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