Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Following Coincidence… Living in the flow!

                            The Art of Flowing with the Present Moment                                                                                                                                                       

                                     How many times have you experienced Synchronicity? Coincidence? Miracles?    There is definitely an art to living in the flow of life… Trusting the Universe ( well now we call it a Multiverse)  to guide you to do and not do all that you are meant for! How do you know what choices are the "right" choices? How can you feel confident that you are acting on the voice of "God" and not the voice of "ego"… Experiencing Peace  / Stillness is definitely a form of confirmation... Synchronicity is another answer to this very important question… all those moments when something occurs that seems like an unlikely accident… In fact i make it a point to follow coincidence when it occurs… If i over hear someone say the word "meditation" i feel its a direct call to me to introduce myself… or when i take " a wrong turn" on the road and end up discovering a short cut :) 

Often synchronicity occurs when i am looking for a confirmation on a decision… ( i have a flashing thought about a certain spiritual concept and then immediately i run into someone i know or the song that is playing uses a word i just thought about… the timing of which is astronomically unlikely… ) this subject is still a very new frontier to our "modern" world, but i know that when you experience these seemingly random events they are there for a reason… a reason that some higher intelligence and power is purposefully creating! 

Remember This! You can only follow and learn from synchronicity if you are present! Coincidence / Miracles operate in the present moment! In other words "God" operates in this very moment! So if you are interested in experiencing more Miracles / Coincidence then i first suggest practicing mindfulness . Conscious breathing… body awareness… yoga … many of the practices on the Know Mind Website home page seem too unlock more miracles… like letting the flood gates open ! Of course the Infinite Creator wants to bless us… In fact i believe "God's" blessings are constant… like gravity… it is us that slows them down or prevents them all together! 

Once you acknowledge the reality of these events then they will occur more frequently! It knows when you notice and it likes to be noticed :)

I highly recommend keeping a synchronicity journal that you keep track of daily ! It is much like a dream journal! You start to reread your entries and you realize the information was trying to communicate something to you! 

If your not familiar with the constant flow of coincidence then congratulations! Its going to begin as soon as you start seeking it :) Enjoy!

 My HIghest Love,


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